With the passing of Labor Day 2012 we'll be ready to launch the fall season of our free weekly professional development webinars for staff and trustees of nonprofits.
This time we'll be joined not only by 6 new and 18 returning presenters, but also by a new sibling, IdeaEncore, the premier resource sharing site for nonprofits, which was adopted over the summer by our parent organization Good Done Great. Together we'll be developing synergies in knowledge sharing for the benefit of nonprofits worldwide.
In the first time slot each Wednesday we address issues of governance, management and organizational development. The second slot is devoted to all aspects of institutional advancement
For more information on the complete season and the archive of past webinars go to http://bit.ly/SyPwebinars
To register for any of the webinars we've posted so far, click on a listing in the box in the right hand column.
September 5:
Top 10 Reactions to Performance Feedback (Jamie Resker, Employee Performance Solutions)
Video Event Checklist (Roberto Mighty, Celestial Media)
The rest of the fall:
Governance, Management & Organizational Development
Understanding Power Dynamics at Work (Claudette Rowley, Metavoice)
Nonprofit Boards and Effective Governance (Sam Frank, Synthesis Partnership)
Outputs vs. Outcomes: Measuring Progress (Natasha Golinsky, Next Level Nonprofits)
Financial Management for Mature Organizations (Anthony Reese, Olive Grove Consulting)
Adaptive Work Systems: The Power of Strength in Relationships (Bernard Mohr & Neil Samuels)
What's a Mission Statement Worth? (Sam Frank, Synthesis Partnership)
Facilitating Virtual Meetings (Rick Lent, Meeting for Results)
Empowered Conversations: From Debate to Dialogue (Gil Lazan, Amauta International)
Data-Driven Decision-Making (Rena Cheskis-Gold, Demographic Perspectives)
How to Read Nonprofit Financial Statements (Susan Hammond, scHammond Advisors)
Legal and Governance Issues for NGOs Worldwide (Jeff Hurwit, Hurwit & Associates)
Institutional Advancement
Auction Revenues for Nonprofits (Tom Weitbrecht, Strategic Auction Alliance)
Big Giving Results (Rod Miller, Rod Miller, ExecIAE)
Corporate Sponsorship (Lewis Flax, Flax Associates)
List Building (Kirsten M. Bullock, Growing Your Donors)
How to Get 100 New Donors in 90 Days (David Mersky, Mersky, Jaffe Associates)
Indie Publishing for the Nonprofit Leader (Dalya Massachi, Writing for Community Success)
Top Seven Fundraising Tips (Darian Heyman, Social Media for Nonprofits)
Guaranteed Simple Steps to Raise Planned Gifts (Viken Mikaelian, PlannedGiving.com)
Your 2013 Fundraising Plan (Tina Cincotti, Funding Change)
4 Simple Steps to Fundraising (Sandy Rees, GetFullyFunded)
Nonprofit Webinars is a pro bono service of Good Done Great and Synthesis Partnership. Since January 2010 we have offered free weekly professional development presentations for staff and trustees of nonprofits. Over that time we have had more than 35,000 registrations, including attendees from all 50 states and 6 continents. In their evaluations attendees frequently volunteer that the webinar was one of the best they have attended, free or not.
We are always looking for compelling topics, excellent presenters, added exposure, and sponsors to cover our modest costs. Contact me or go to nonprofitwebinars.com for more information.