At a time when the challenges and needs facing nonprofits have increased at a faster pace than income
- your message must be clear to compete with other causes
- your strategy must be focused to deploy resources most effectively
- your stakeholders must be inspired to spread the word
- and you must have meaningful measures to track both performance & outcomes
Fundamental to all four—message, strategy, inspiration & metrics—is clarity of mission, and a concise, compelling and memorable statement of it.
On October 13 (at 1:00 pm EDT) Ill be offering a webinar—Whats a Mission Statement Worth?—on the value of a mission statement to a nonprofit:
- Why its important
- Whats in a good one
- How to use it
Leading up to the webinar were running a search and competition. If you think your organization has an Great Mission Statement, or if you would like to be considered for pro bono assistance in a Mission Statement Makeover, enter the Whats Your Mission? Competition. Or share this info with a worthy nonprofit with this link to http://bit.ly/SyPmission or using #wyMC.
Submit your entry by noon EDT on Monday, October 11, 2010.
Webinar participants will help us to select the winners. The winners will get publicity for their organizations, and some free consulting.
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